Papaya? I'm impressed!

The types of places I stay usually have the option of a fan room or an aircon room. Where have you been staying that this isn't the case?

I haven't used a hair dryer this century. Cheers.

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And the papaya grew out of our compost! Really 🤣

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Hair dryer: great for drying underwear and trekking boots.

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Tip for drying underwear: wring it in a towel and air it overnight. No hair dryers needed

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"Cap the remotes so lunatics can’t turn it down to 16 degrees. Make sure the room seals up—open a window and the air-con turns off—there has to be tech for that. Offer a discount if guests forgo air-con."

These are excellent ideas. Sounds like a startup company's mission statement. New tech and retrofitting that saves money and the planet

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Thanks! Kind of amazed there isn’t someone already doing this kind of thing in Bali—or maybe there is?

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I have mosquito-proof screens on some windows but they are cheap add-ons. There needs to be integrated screens for tropical windows so guests are encouraged to open the windows and not worry about bugs

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0ne of the things I find most annoying is that it's so hard to turn off that red standby light on the tv and the aircon, neither of which I use. I often stand on chairs to pull out the ac plug but often there's no way to turn off the tv. I'v also found hairdryers wired into the wall just above the sink, always on and also somewhat dangerous.

I haven't found the it is always possible to get a fan room.

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In Koh Lanta, Thailand, I appreciated the weekly beach cleanups done mostly be westerners since we're so much of the problem.

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