Aug 5, 2020Liked by Stuart McDonald

There is just something about Cambodia that touches your soul and so it calls you back. Maybe because we vividly remember the horrors of 1975 and rocked to the Concerts for Kampuchea in 79. Resilient people.

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Aug 5, 2020Liked by Stuart McDonald

should have read this 2 years ago, before going to Koh (Trash) euh Rong. add the sandfly colonies eating u alive and some resorts harbouring fleas as well

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Aug 4, 2020Liked by Stuart McDonald

Brilliant... What I would give to be there now though 😢

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Ah, Lazy Beach! The very thought of it (in recent, pre-Covid times) makes me want to go back. Great collection of comfy places to lounge. Great food, too. Fresh fish, deliciously prepared, available always. It all seems kinda like a dream now. What a spot.

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