Lop Buri is a great little town I am a regular. Given the choice I would stop here rather than Ayutthaya. The old town is very compact, easy to walk around and visit the ruins, a nice but small night market (on wednesday a big one). Monkeys can be a pain true

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Hi Stuart. I think there are 22 monkeys in the photo. By the way we had a scary encounter with the ones in Petchaburi last year. One took our bottle of Coke and bit through the plastic so he could drink the contents. We were amazed and quite scared as they were super aggressive! Joe x

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Hey Joe! Good counting! I’m sure there are some more there hiding behind the wall ;-) Yeah the monkeys in Petchaburi are CRAZY!!! Cheers

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I love The Monkees, but don't like monkeys. I lived in Lop Buri for 10 weeks in 1986. Back then, the monkeys were mostly confined to the traffic circle area not far from Nooms and the train stations, with only occasional raids into nearby spots. On my last visit a few years ago, however, the beasts were everywhere. I've also noticed that the monkeys in Lop Buri are meaner than in other places, including Monkey Forest Road in Ubud, Bali. I've long thought that has to do with how the local behave towards them.

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“Beasts” is the right word for them!

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What fun to read these travel takes in a time we need it most

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Cheers David!

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Great tale aboput a plce that (wait for it!) I haven't been! Macaques really put me off (no offence to the poor beasts). Looking forward to K. Phet which I did enjoy (along with the mysterious guesthouse ;;)

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Ha ha! It is a cute little town, a shame about the macaques, which, as you may have surmised from the above, I am not great fans of.

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On the way from the river holiday to Hua Hin we visited a temple totally overrun by monkeys - do you remember it?

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How could I forget!!!

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