You tend to attract these types, don't you? If it is someone I don't want to talk to, I tell them I am a used farm equipment broker. It works every time.

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Ha ha, now there is an idea! I don’t know that I attract them, I mean these stories are from 20 years running around in circles in the region, and the vast majority of people I have met were totally normal!

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Welcome to the world of being a girl. ;)

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My goodness, I was annoyed just reading about him!

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Haha. Great story. I was going to comment exactly what Mark did - you do seem to attract these types. You need to be much tougher, like my wife!

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I am truly sorry for you. The interaction made me think of a mosquito you can't get rid of and can’t swat!

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I have on the odd occasion pretended to be Russian and not able to speak English but it is rare for the "offender" to be a westerner usually it is a local looking to have a bumper payday or the local village idiot.

This happened to me several times in Malawi and what really impressed me was when I took refuge in a bar to try and escape that locals saw what was happening and unasked came to my aid and chased the guys out (three separate events)

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You tell it so well, Stuart. I'm so impressed with your forbearance, and tact, but put a nose out of joint anyway. It needed putting out...

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