Dec 17, 2022Liked by Stuart McDonald

what is OTA?

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Stuart McDonald

I had the same question!

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Ooops, I forgot to explain that! Online Travel Agent, so in the case of hotels, Agoda, Booking, Expedia etcetera

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Stuart McDonald

Get well soon

I am afraid there is a lot of greenwashing going on in advertising full stop.

As for the comment on surveys you could not be more right you must look at the question and the rest of the survey to understand the results there is far far too much poor quality research either though incompetence or a deliberate desire to bias the survey.

I have seen surveys asking me about the importance of sustainability in choosing my flights I am sorry but sustainability did not influence my booking whatsoever price yes, service yes timings yes but being offered water from a one time use plastic bottle no

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Thanks Alistair,

Yeah half the problems rests with the surveys—I think a lot of it rests with deciding what answers you want then designing the questions accordingly.

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Indeed and unfortunately most of the time a press release is produced and the media simply copy and paste and do not look at the methodology and questionnaire and question what they are being told

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Stuart McDonald

Only related at a stretch, I see later in my email this excerpt from the Phnom Penh Post:

"The head of Sokha Hotel, businessman Sok Kong, said the company plans to build a 108m statue of the Buddha on Bokor Mountain. To be built in the area of 500 rice fields..."

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Yeah I had a story on that in the TF newsletter today—what could go wrong?!

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Stuart McDonald

That’s obvious now. Thanks.

I totally agree with the crux of your assertion. The sustainable fake outs and questionable practices make it difficult to move towards true sustainability.

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Ouch! And Jeezus

Sorry to hear about your accident—

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Enjoy your holidays and be careful!

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